Speaking To A Speaking God

On this last Sunday of this most unforgettable year, we wanted to end it the way we started…with a focus on prayer…fact is, God is a relational and a conversational God and He is always speaking with you, and He wants you to talk back to Him.

God has so much in store for us, but we will only get it if we ask for it.

A Reason To Be Thankful

This past Thursday was Thanksgiving, a time we all took a break to give thanks and hopefully, have a big meal, or at least bigger than usual. For those who had a big meal, the chances are great that you are still having leftovers. Well, as long as there are leftovers, it still is the holiday. As such, we are going to take a pause from our “Refreshing” series to bring a message of reflection and thanksgiving. Our hope and prayer is that this season of Thanksgiving will not only a be a day, or a weekend, but rather a habit and a new lifestyle.

Hearing The Voice Of God

Have you ever heard people say “God told me to …” or “God told me that…”? Have you ever wondered “what does that even mean?”.

Have you ever read the Bible and seen stuff like “God spoke to him and said…” and wondered to yourself “exactly, how did God speak to him?”

The fact is, hearing and discerning the voice of God can seem like a really complicated thing that is only reserved for priests and pastors and just really holy people . . . but the fact is that God is speaking all the time, but we don’t often hear him because we don’t know how to hear and recognize his voice.

This Sunday, Pastor Terrence Mullings from HistoryMakers Church will he speaking about that and teaching each one of us how we too can hear and discern the voice of God.


2020 continues to be “a year for the history books”. Between the global pandemic, the economic shutdown, and the social unrest, this year has been filled with “I can’t believe that’s…”.

One area that also fits in that category is the political division in this country. This division has also spilled over into the church. This coming Tuesday, the election will be over, but other than the political ads . . . and following the natural course of events, nothing else will change, unless the church first makes a change.

This Sunday, we will be talking about how we, as a church, move on from this to being united again.

Trust Issues

Have you ever thought about the decisions that you make, and the reasons why you make those decisions? The fact is, all of us come to different points in our lives where we are at a crossroad and faced with a decision…. do we go left, right, or do we continue following the same path?

As I thought about this, I realized there is one question that we all answer first…and the answer to that question governs the decisions that we make. That question is “Who do I trust?”