Not So Great Expectations

What would it take for you to be convinced that a person you knew came back to life after being in a grave for two nights?  The fact is we all know that it is perfectly normal and rational to believe that Jesus would stay dead.  …because everyone knows that is what dead people do. …they stay dead.

In this message, Pastor Gary looks at this question from the perspective of the people closest to Jesus.  In doing so, we realize that there was nothing special about these people and there is a little bit of them in all of us.  More importantly, how do we handle those times when it appears that Jesus is dead and there is no resolution for our personal situation,


One of our favorite “go to” statements and one of the things we like to tell people is to “trust God”.    It is so easy to say that, but so hard to do.   The reality is that far too many times, we find that so hard to do because it conflicts with WIIFM (What’s In It For Me).   What we really desire most of all is for God to line up with our agenda.  So, what do we do when God does not seem to want what we want, or do what we believe He should do?


In this new series, titled “In Control”, leading up to Easter, we will be talking about 4 characters in the Easter story and how their lives intersected with Jesus’ in bringing to fruition the reason why we celebrate.