
In the 4th installment in the series, #BetterTogether, Pastor Gary and his wife Donna talks candidly in a “no-question-is-off-limits” interview about their marriage with Sean Tracey.  In this conversation, they share successes, what they have learned, and what they are still learning.    Most importantly, they share how a marriage lived in the way that God intended, results in a #betterlife.


No matter where you live, no matter where you aspire to live, there is no better community than the one that this sermon talks about.   It is a community of people that help each other out, share each others burdens and joys, and a community that expresses real love, and so much more.     This sermon is the second installment of a series called #BetterTogether, which is based on the simple premise that live was not meant to live alone.


Easter.   If you ask most people “why do we celebrate Easter?”, the vast majority of people could answer that question.    If you asked the follow up question: “So what…?”, the answers get a little more interesting.    This Easter sermon called “#BetterLife” represents the first in a series of messages called, “#BetterTogether”, that is based on the premise that life is better when it is not lived alone.