Uncaring god

In the last message in the series, —Is God Still Relevant?, Pastor Gary addresses the question that has plagued people for centuries, and the question that has caused a lot of people to lose their faith.    The question is:


“How can a good God allows bad things to happen to good people?”  …and if he does, then he cannot be a good God.


Taskmaster God

God is always fighting for us and cheering us on.   The problem is that oftentimes, we do not recognize that.   We often mistake the things that He has asked us to do, is for Him.   The reality is that God doesn’t want anything from us, but rather he wants everything for us.


In this Father’s Day message, and 3rd message in the series “Is God Still  Relevant?”, Pastor Gary talks about many of the reasons we become disillusioned, and/or disenchanted with God,  and why some times people walk away.