Under Pressure – (Part 2) At the Breaking Point

Have you ever felt you were stressed to the breaking point?  You’ve said, “I’m ready to pop.  I’m going to explode.  I’m falling apart.”

We’ve all been there from time to time. Some of you might be at that point right now and are looking for ways to deal with that stress (pressure) before you really “break.”

Well, today, Pastor Reggie, will teach you four steps you can instantly implement in your life that will help during those difficult times.

These steps are another way of finding purpose in life’s pressures.

4 Steps That Will Change You Life Series (Part 4) Changing Directions

Have you ever gotten lost during a trip; you were distracted, confused, tired, and, as a result, took the wrong exit leading you farther away from your intended destination?  It is never a good feeling, is it?  Spiritually speaking, we all tend to take a different direction that leads us to destinations of self-centeredness, broken relationships, and spiritual emptiness.

Perhaps this is your situation, or, maybe, this describes the condition of someone you know and care about.

Today, Pastor Reggie will be teaching on “Changing Directions,” which deals with the necessary steps we all need to take when we have travelled fast and far from our God-ordained destiny.

Our prayer is that we will use the messages in this series to truly change our lives for the better!

4 Steps That Will Change You Life Series (Part 3) Changing Your Attitude

Do you know someone who has such a negative attitude that you find it difficult to be around him or her?  More importantly, are you that someone?  Do you know that doctors and researches have found that a positive attitude can do wonders for fighting diseases as well as for promoting general well-being? Well, it’s true. And if you’re not getting along with others, not getting the jobs or promotions you’re vying for, or if you’re finding it  hard to deal with or recover from an illness, maybe a change of attitude is in order.
Pastor Reggie speaks on “Changing Your Attitude.”  This is the third message in a series which provides steps we can all take to change our lives for the better.